How to Attract a Girl – #15 Tips to Attract Girl for Love
Smart, Beautiful, confident and hot – remember Ms Famous of your campus, you would give and do anything to have her on your side. Having her as your girlfriend would be a dream come true thing. So guys let’s get it rolling and let me guide you through the whole process of impressing a girl.
Well, who can guide you better than a girl herself – let me help you explore Women a little more from the angle we appreciate. Although I know you have tried all the methods and expert advice of your friends and Love Guru’s who seem cool and popular among girls to you, but must admit they will only blabber and will give you a list of do’s and Don’ts without actually telling you what makes them popular, not that they do not want to tell but the irony is that they themselves are not sure.
Image Source: http://www.thetwoangles.com
Girls are smart, logical and very emotional, so when you have a person who has a smart, alert brain and a very compassionate heart it becomes a little tougher to impress that beautiful girl right away, she will take some time access you and definitely tease you to know the Real you!
Beautiful girls are a little more difficult generally as they already get too much attention and they stay away consciously from undue attention. They put on a very arrogant face and wear an I don’t care Attitude always, remember this is their defense mechanism. Here, let me help you and guide you step by step to break through their Suraksha Chakra and make them available and warm ready to have a heart to heart talk.
Impressing Beautiful girls is an easy task, if you go the right way. Have tried it to group up some simple things that you must check on before going up front.