Free Male Enhancement Exercising Techniques to Increase Penis Size

#Stage 2: Taking the Penile Exercises a Notch Up

Kegel and Jelqing are renowned penile exercises that sex professionals recommend.

The Kegel Exercise aids in development of the erection contraction thus providing you with you improved control on your sexual capacity and erections during the sex. This also enhances the overall command of the man on the movement and penile contraction so there is better pleasure derived with intensified orgasm.

Kegel focuses at Pubococcygeus muscle as exercises include one to contract this muscle for 10-15 seconds and then longer in one go. Repetition is recommended for 10-30 minutes for everyday.

Jelqing is another favorite free male enhancement penile activity that most men already know of and includes the stretching of penis from the base to the head.

Kegel and Jelqing stretch exercise


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