How to Choose a Board Portal

A board portal is a powerful tool that can aid in streamlining operations, enhance communication and collaboration and assist in implementing best practices. However, deciding on the best one can be challenging.

It’s a good idea to choose a board management software that offers flexible deployment options. Some products allow users the ability to collaborate immediately, whereas others require a more extensive implementation process. Think about how easy the system will be to use and to be adopted by your team.

Make sure your Board Portal is secure

Cloud-based software that is secure offers one source of truth for documents. All comments and annotations are stored in editable form on the platform. This eliminates the need to go through lengthy email threads for information and can mitigate security risk. Check for features such as SOC2 and HIPAA compliance, two-factor authentication, and backup of data to protect all sensitive data.

Make sure that your Board Portal is mobile friendly

A simple and user-friendly board management tool makes it simple for members to collaborate with each other and access the portal from any device. At meetings voting, the votes are processed and approvals are made within the platform. Relevant documents are automatically linked with agenda items. A single click after a meeting can turn agenda items into drafts that can be circulated to the members for approval.

A dependable board management system will also allow electronic signatures to speed up document signing. This feature reduces paper usage and can be used on any document or form in the platform. Select a company that offers unlimited signatures with no additional cost.