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Career Info

So, have you stepped out of the comfort zone of your life? Have you completed your education and it’s time to realize your worth out in the market? Have you been loaded with the bag of responsibilities of earning for yourself? So, finally has the time arrived to plan your career? If your head is nodding in an upright direction for all above questions, then here’s some career info for u which can help you in the long run. You can although thank me later for my helpful nature. 😉




# A Career Plan…Why?

I know, it’s very obvious of most of us to be hitting around the bush by now. We act like confuse lads till the time we are forced to choose a career line for us. But, believe me, it’s highly important to plan your career well in advance to eliminate the list of confusions and unplanned career plans. Here’s more detailed discussion on this…


Changes Applicable

It’s quite obvious that we do start with a fixed career goal in our mind during our starting point. However, during the course of time you will gain knowledge and experience about various things, which may make you realize what you are actually good at. Hence, it’s important to plan the way to your achievement well in advance.

Learning and Growing

Learning is the ever going option of your life. As said above, there is a lot of professional learning in a professional field. With good skills and more knowledge, you are obvious to grow and prove a valuable asset for your future company. Planning will obviously help you achieve this desired target with much ease.

Satisfaction Matters

It’s almost impossible to land your feet in job that is perfectly altered as per your desired needs. This makes you switch on to various companies for better working options and environment and for this, you need to plan your career.

So, from here, we learn that PLANNING plays a vital role in making you become whatever you want to become!

# Ok Fine, A Career Plan, But How?




It’s clear by now that why do we need to plan a career, but now it’s significant to learn about the ways, that transform us into a working individual. Here’s the expert advice from an expert (by experience). Ha-ha!

Figure Out Your Interest Area

If you want to be a cricketer, a boxer, a model, a scientist, an engineer, a writer or anything, it’s first important for you to list out your interest. Pen down your list of career interests and then choose the most appropriate one for you and then, plan for it. Also, do not forget to sound realistic and practical while selecting your final option. Like if you are good at writing, then write things of your own and create your own blog. In this way you can present yourself well in front of the company you want to put in.

Things To Consider

Before choosing a right option for yourself, you must go through or consider certain things for yourself. The first thing to consider is about your salary package. Obviously somewhere down the line, you are working for earning money, hence you need to know that how much monetary gain you have in your chosen field. Other things which matter after are your job security, the working environment, name and fame of the organization, working hours and many more.

Take Your Skill Test

If you are still unable to figure out the right choice for yourself, then enroll for an aptitude test. There are several online tests available, which can atleast help you in providing a rough idea about your strengths and weaknesses.

Making a right choice may sound tough, but it’s actually not that hard. And however, you always have the option of switching your career anytime, as there are many entrepreneurs to welcome you at any point of time!

# Is There Any Way To Plan Better Career?





Twists and turns are the two main options for life and you need to be prepared to face them. You may have planned each and everything in advance for your smooth career life, but you can’t be sure of the events happening in the future. Here are some of the winning tips that can make your career sound better irrespective of many twists and turns.

Be Ready For Each And Every Eventuality

As our life is full of many happy and sour events, same is the case with our job. No matter, we got our dream job, but it will not take much long to turn things into unfruitful for us. What may seem good at first place, might become trouble afterwards, so it is advised to prepare yourself for any eventuality coming in.

Change is the Only Constant Force

People often get scared of the change, but one needs to understand that it is the obvious part of life. Hence, in order to climb the stairs of your personal and professional growth, it is vital to certain changes in your life like switching jobs after a certain time.

Be Flexible

It’s great to have skills, but it’s worse if you restrict them in your expertise field only. Instead, try to apply them in different fields to become an all-rounder. This will also serve you with better options, when you plan to change your job.

With the help of these tips, you can plan your career in a better way!

# Time for Some Advice

We all need some form of advice at some point of time in our life. Well, for you, I am here to provide you with some piece of best advices possible.


  • You must have the skills to sell your idea to everyone, to your clients as well as your colleagues. It will help in developing a strong belief on your own idea.

  • It’s a small world so, maintain good relations everywhere. Building a good reputation with everyone may take you to heights.

  • Try to study and observe people in your organization as much as you can. It will help in teaching you a lot about your survival.

  • There’s no existing conception of perfect job. So, prioritize and learn to compromise on few things.

  • Never say a no to any opportunity that comes in your way. Just grab on to it as you never how far it may take you.

  • Never get too much attached to your company. Learn, contribute and move on, when the time comes.

I am sure, this article would have been a great help for fresher as well as the existing ones. So, just have confidence in you and work towards your desired goal!

I Hate My Boss!

Monster, Genghis Khan, problem creator or whatever you call him/her out, the base line is that you just HATE HIM/HER TO THE CORE! Yes, I am talking about the deep inbuilt hatred for your bossy Boss! It doesn’t matter how hard to try to keep things at peace with him/her, but he/she may some out find some way or the other to put you back in the hatred zone. Yeah, I know ‘managing up’ with boss is not the same as ‘kissing up’ your better half, but yes you have to do it anyhow.



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There may be many kinds of bosses that you are dealing up with right now, but finding out the correct way of dealing with each of them is definitely the key to your success. So, let’s unlock some of the dark rooms of your hard-to-handle boss just to learn about things for your survival. Here you are…

# You, the Innocent One!

Obviously, nobody loves to fall in the pit, but it is the circumstances that make us serve the worst for our own selves. It’s very obvious that you tend to choose the right organization for yourself, only after inspecting about the colleagues and yes, the boss.



Your future boss sometimes, may seem really nice to you (may be to have his/her good impression on you), but the moment you sign up the Appointment letter, things, ooops sorry people, tend to take a U-turn in their behavior. If things don’t work out this way, it may be a possibility that your current good boss gets replaced with the screaming or dominating one. Or sometimes, you are enjoying the good relation with your boss, but suddenly something goes sour between you two and your bad time starts ruling your life. Well, don’t worry you poor lad, everything will be all right!

# Some More about the Dominating One!

Politician, Idiot, “hardworking”, “peacemaker” or whatever you call him/her, actually they are of many kinds to suck blood out of you. Let’s peel off some of some of the known and unknown faces of your boss:


The Politician

He/she is the most cunning or rather smart one out there. They are blessed with the intelligence of manipulating you to the extreme level, which obviously you can never guess. However, you may be able to realize their version of imposing their thoughts without even making you realize things. Their concern is always what right for themselves, so beware about them!

The Idiot

Like we have employees, who tend to nod their head upside down in every command of their boss, there are such kind of boss too. Put up the dumbest strategy in front of them and they will implement it without any second thought. If you have worked with this kind, then you always used to wonder who appointed them as boss and how they tend to survive in this competitive world. Well, be it any, they are still there!

The Workaholic

They don’t have their own personal life and work towards destroying the personal life of their employees too. The only thing which matters for them is their work. They tend to torture their employees with tricks like calls at home, unrealistic deadlines and business trips on weekends and all this in limited salary with no reward policy.

The Dustbin Mouth

The only aim of this kind of boss is to humiliate his subordinates in front of others. He is the one who is impossible to please despite of your hardcore efforts put in the favor of his/her company.

# Making Your Way Out!

I know it’s hard to please your tough boss, but you can’t jump to conclusions without making a good try for it. So, first keep your mind at peace and try out these easy ways of dealing with your boss.

Know Their Favorite Communication Methods

Try to be know the choices of your boss and try to be alike them. I know it’s tough, but it’s good for your own sake. By adhering yourself to their choices, you will be able to provide them with their comfort zone, which they love the most. It will make them believe you are like them only and hence, you are smart, actually very smart!

Know Their Communication Style

No-no, I am not telling you to dress like them. You just need to use this as a tactic to gain knowledge about them. It will help in making you aware about their behavior and what they actually are. It is rightly said that people judge you by your dressing sense first.


Bite Your Tongue

Having a hate relationship with your boss, forces you to keep your lips sealed in front of him/her. It’s although pretty hard to sound agree in a respectful manner with him, but you don’t have other choice. Even if he encourages to speak up your mind, trust me he doesn’t actually mean you to utter a word against him. So, it’s like, if you can’t say something nice, just zip it up!

Scrutinize the Successful

Ahhhhh, this will surely be the most painful one! You must have not talked to them till now, but when you are in bad terms with your boss, then you definitely need to fetch out each and every detail about them. Learn about the traits and behavior they follow with your boss as they are the apple of your boss’s eye!

Manage your Boss

Be it assertive or polite or be it this place or the other, you are sure to have a boss of every kind. So, it’s actually your job to maintain the balance between the two and find out ways to deal with them. All the best for this one!


Phew, this is all for today. I have expressed my anger for my boss in the best way possible and have even provided you with the ways to deal things with your boss. As conclusion, I would to quote H. H. Getter, “You can’t change other people. You can only change yourself.” And yes, do remember that I love my boss very much! 😉

Since online slots games are so simple to comprehend, a lot of men and women find playing them addictive, and this is the Here is an article in SFGate about the issue on how to find a proper casino with the PayID deposit method. main reason why online casino slots are really popular.

Is Technology Making Us Lazy?

Technology is great, but we humans are the greatest. Rather than relying on any other person, we believe in relying on technologies, which aims at providing us with great level of comfort. Yeah, that’s true! Don’t believe me? Here are the evidences: Instead of searching a partner to accompany us till the nearby market, we would opt for driving to the store (by the way the market is right across the street), we would prefer for making a call to our neighbor rather than confronting him/her (because walking next door is a great burden), we would love laying on couch and munching things (you know we can’t miss even a single ad coming on our Idiot Box) and then, in the end complaining about why are we so tired and lazy (which is eventually the result of our lack of interest in performing physical activities)!



Well, thanks to the highly developed technology, which is even saving us from the least effort of standing, walking or even moving any of our single muscle to do anything! Now, please bow down in front of every technology available at your place, just to show how grateful you are towards such things (Ha-ha, sarcasm overloaded!).

I agree, we are living in a fascinating digital and technological world, but that doesn’t provide us with the freedom to take unwanted advantage of the comforts provided to us in the form of technology. Making my view sound more impactive, let’s have a more detailed discussion on it..

First, let’s go through our ELECTRONICS SECTION!

#Swirl and Swirl


Remember, earlier how our mother or granny used to wash our dirty clothes by putting all their hand’s strength in making our clothes shine like a star? Yes, that was a hard time, but it did serve them with a good full body exercise. Nowadays, you do not need that as this form of exercise has been replaced by the swirling movement of Washing Machines. Now, you only need to collect the bundle of your dirty clothes and put them in the machine and round and round your clothes will move and then, they will come out neatly and that too in dry form. Claps please!

#Chilling Air

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Cool and breezing air soothing your body, making you feel fresh or simply taking you into another world..sounds great na? It may sound fantastic, but sorry I am not talking about the morning fresh air, here I am talking about Air Conditioners. Instead of enjoying the cool and fresh air of our nature, we tend to stick in front of the AC’s for the same. Yeah, before moving on please switch on to the AC!

#Smart People, Smart Phones




Want to book a cab, bus or search for any other things? They are all at your service, ma’am/sir. Now, you do not need to go anywhere in the need of scorching anything as you are blessed with the benefit of owning a Smart Phone for yourself. Just pick up your smart phone and search for anything you want, I am sure you will not be disappointed. So, now you can sit back and relax!

#Rule And Order




Utensils,, served, placed at the table..all done! Thanks to the invention of Dish Washer, Microwave and Coffee Maker, which have made your life simpler and you lazy. You are now only required to put these appliances on power and press a few buttons and your work is done. Ohh, have got lot of dishes to wash and need to cook too..ufff lot of work..need to go!

P.S: You might not be knowing that, but the food you are heating up in the microwave is actually dangerous for your health as it makes your body feel deprived of nutrients.

#Get Up And Exercise


I need to tone down from a bit from here and there too, this is the aim of most of us and in order to achieve this goal, we tend to decorate our home with various gym equipments like Dumbbells and Treadmill. Now, you might be thinking how is this making us lazy? Well, I have answers to all your queries. Please understand the fact that you are practicing such exercises under the closed walls of your room, which is eventually depriving you from the benefits and oxygen of fresh morning air and open environment. So, go and show some moves outside in your near by garden!

Moving on, let’s view our APPLICATIONS SECTION now!

#Hi, Hello, Whatsapp


We may have become advanced in networking in many ways, but when it comes to face-to-face networking, we are far behind. Added to it, with the list of so many friends added on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and other social networking sites, who actually has the time to hangout in real life? Thanks, to these shortcuts, which make us meet our friends almost after every hour, afterall dressing up and going out with friends is a Herculean task. Ohhhh got a ping from my Facebook friend!

#Not This Pink, I want Baby Pink


No-no, I am not talking exactly about colors, rather I am trying to fetch your focus towards the variety of colors you can get online. Yes, you nailed it right, I am talking about Online Shopping Sites. Forget the sale, which is available at your nearby store, as now, we all prefer to pick up our groceries, shoes, make up, books and even undergarments from the convenience of our home. Ahhhhhh, so relaxing!

#From Navigation To Destination




Ohhooo forgot your way or can’t actually remember which way to proceed? No worries, you have Google Maps by your side. This ‘useful’ app is saving you from the effort of getting down your vehicle and taking the burden of asking anyone for the directions as you can have them on your smart phone now. Click, click..way to Buckingham Fountain please!

#Click To Read Your Favorite Novel Or Newspaper


I remember how I used to search each and every market for just getting a hold of my favorite novel. But, now things have changed. Now, I simply decide on the novel, which I want to read and then download it. How easy na? E-books and E-newspapers have made things easily accessible for us. Not just this, you do not even need to carry the burden of not so heavy books and lightweight newspapers. Where is my iPad?..I have to read about the latest news!

#Marriages Are Fixed On Apps



Crossed the age of 25 or 28? Parents must be looking for the suitable bride or groom for you. What no!!! Really, you have left that job on Matrimonial sites! Yeah, I can understand, you do not want to take the pain of visiting places just in order to find your true mate, when you have access to the Internet and of course the matrimonial sites. Ahhhhh going to hit 25 now, have to upload my details on such sites!

Time to entertain kids, let’s move on to our VIDEO GAMES SECTION now!

#Virtual Reality


Yeah, I own the topmost position in sports. Be it running, boxing, tennis, cricket or any other sports, I have gained mastery in each of them. Wanna have a match with me? Come at my place and I will show you my skills on my latest PS4. Yes, you heard it right! Video Games have been a form of entertainment since long, but now they are actually replacing the fun factor with a mental strenuous workout. They are making kids and even the younger generation, avoid the outside world and immerse themselves in a virtual reality of gaming. Sigh!

There may be many more things added to this list, but the technology has made me feel lazy too and that’s why I am feeling like putting it to an end here only. Ha-ha, jokes apart! The actual thing which you need to realize is that we must enjoy the comfort of technology, but obviously in a limited way, so that we do not lose our grip on reality!

List Of Hot Billionaires!

Having a rich, handsome/beautiful and high earning partner is the secretive desire of every single girl and boy. No-no that doesn’t mean that we do not respect love, but it’s just that leading a lavish life along with the commitment of being loved is actually not a bad deal at all. I suppose, all of us have grown up with mutual thoughts. Well, be it any way, all we want to know is that who are rich ones and where are they living on this planet? Ha-ha! Don’t worry girls, I am here to help you out. I have searched the Internet or rather have literally scorched out each and every link highlighted there, just to bring out the list of hotties and Richie Riches for only you. 😉

Here, you have them at your service.

Evan Spiegel


The name speaks for himself, he is the CEO of Snapchat. Enjoying his residency in Los Angeles, he is earning a good portion of money from Snapchat only. Being in a partnership dealing with Murphy, his Net Worth costs around $1.5 Billion. And the best thing about him is that HE IS SINGLE. So, go for him ladies!

Bobby Murphy


Ok fine, if you are late for the previous one then, you can surely get hold of his partner. Ha-ha! He is the partner in crime, oops I mean the together founder of Snapchat app. He is enjoying his much raised living style in Venice and guess what he is single too! And yes, just to add on, his Net Worth is $1.5 Billion!!!


 Mark Zuckerberg


He is the well known face with a reputed name. Facebook would have never been possible without him and now, he is even earning the credit of Whatsapp in his pocket. From being a dropout of Harvard University, he has created a good name for himself. Well, sorry girls he is married, but yeah was not able to list him out out of my personal crush on him. His Net Worth is $36.2 Billion!

# Dustin Moskovitz

Facebook Co-Founder Dustin Moskovitz Speaks At CTIASource:

What I was thinking was that if Mark is married, I will switch you guys over to his partner, but sadly Dustin is married too. But, that doesn’t stop us from learning more about him (wink). He is a reputed residence of San Francisco and is leading a satisfying life with his Net Worth of $8.5 Billion!

Tom Persson


An evening in Sweden with Tom would be great to know him in a better way. Isn’t it? 😉 Being from a billionaire family, he was already an established one, but he has made his fortune from global cheap chic retailer H&M. And, for girls, he is 30 and still a single! You know what I mean, hmm!


 # Elizabeth Holmes


Now, it’s your turn guys as why should girls have all the fun? 😉 Well, to add on to your knowledge, she is the youngest self-made woman billionaire with a Net Worth of $4.6 Billion in her pocket! This cute and hot lady is single and is earning a good portion of fame and money her own blood testing company, Theranos.

 Drew Houston


 The Co-founder and CEO of Dropbox is none other than him. Enjoying his residency in San Francisco, he holds a Net Worth of $1.25 Billion for himself. And adding a brownie point for ladies, he is single!

Brian Chesky


Hear it up ladies, he is the Co-founder and the CEO of Airbnb company. He holds a Net Worth of $1.89 Billion for himself. It’s not only about money girls, he is a former body builder too and is surely going to kill you with his smile and obviously strong muscles.

Serra Sabanci


 You must have heard about Turkey’s largest industrial and financial conglomerate, Sabanci Holding. Well, she is the Board member and Shareholder of this company. You won’t believe this, but she holds a Net Worth of $958 Million for herself and all, above this she is single!

Alexander Samwer


He is the founder of Rocket Internet. He has entered into the list of billionaires for the first time by making his Net Worth reach upto $1.5 Billion. He may not be single now, but yeah he is hawt!

So, for now, I am done with my job. Now, it’s your turn to chose the best and suitable person for yourself out of the mentioned ones. Till then, bye-bye and stay happy and rich! 😉

Top 10 Muscle Building Exercises!

Strength..the word itself holds so much power in it! Isn’t it? Don’t believe me? Please allow me to provide some wings to your imagination. I am sure most of you must have experienced the aura of a strong guy or girl, the way they walk in style, the way they show off their strength and rule the gang, they way they do everything…sounds sooooo good! Now, bringing on a twist to your imagination, imagine a guy or girl with weak or rather say, an average personality. I think, he or she will not gain much attention from your side. How true! Moreover, a personality with strong built is able to play longer and even last longer on bed. I think I have now hit your right chord (wink). This fact must have motivated you more towards building strong and ripped muscles. So, what are we waiting for now? Let’s start with it..

#Dead Lift

The name may sound life-taking, but it is the most basic exercise anyone can do. Most of you (especially guys) must have picked up their partners in their arms, so why not replace that with weights now? Ha-ha! This exercise requires you to bend down and pick up weights off the floor. This will eventually put more pressure on your muscles and chest and will help in their growth.

Tip: The only thing you need to take care of is to add weights slowly. You must also take proper guidance for bending and picking up weights, so as you need not hurt your back while doing so.




#Chin Up

No no, this does not mean that you have to walk in a proud manner. He-he! It is also known as the Upper Body Squat, which helps in muscle building of your upper body. This exercise allows you to move or rather push your body in an upward direction with the help of some fixed implement. It requires a greater potential and good strength so as to build a strong body built.

Tip: In order to build muscles in a fast manner, don’t forget to include Chin Ups in your weight training program.



It has been regarded as the ‘king of all muscle building exercises’ for years. This exercise involves an enormous amount of muscle mass and helps in the release of anabolic hormones in our body. This exercise surely leads to the fast building of your muscles. During it’s practice, you need to put weights on your back and pick up them along with your bodyweight.

Tip: For developing lower body strength and building muscles in a fast manner, Squat serves as the must and benefited option.

Bench Press

This is again the power-lifting exercise for building upper body muscles. While performing this, you need to lie down on a bench in a straight position. Now, put some required weight on your chest and make the weight move away from your body in an upright direction. This will eventually put pressure on your Pectorals, Anterior Deltoids and Triceps.

Tip: For providing your chest with maximum stimulation, position your lower back with a slight arch, the ribcage held slightly high and the shoulders shrugged downward and back.



Parallel Bar Dip

It is an exercise which is quite close to Chin Ups and is obviously the fastest way of growing ripped muscles. It helps in adding slabs of muscles to your triceps and chest. For availing such benefits, you are required to bend a little of your upper body on some fixed implement and then push your body taking it off in air. It’s like an aeroplane (your body) taking off the platform. Ha-ha!

Tip: For bigger arms, you can even include Dips in your training program.


Hang Clean & Push Press

It is a total muscle building exercise, which tends to work on quads, calves, glutes, hamstrings, traps, biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms and lower and upper back. While practicing this form of muscle building exercise, you need to first lift weights on your thighs, then lift it high on your shoulders and then raise it up in air. It is good for your overall muscle growth.

Tip: When performed with the intention of building muscles, Hang Clean & Push Press does not tend to provide you with explosive speed like most Olympic lifts are performed.



#  Bent Over Rows

It is regarded as the best exercise for the muscle building of your lats and upper back. It includes different versions of itself like palms down, palms up, close and wide grip to the sternum, abdomen, with an ez or straight bar.

Tip: It must be kept in mind that this exercise is only for the development of your muscular and well toned back.


Box Jumps

You do not need to box on jumps hard for this. It rather includes landing with soft feet on the top of a box with full hip extension, a sharp eye for proper landing and active arms for momentum. This will serve as an ideal exercise for your full body movements and bringing all your body parts in a good motion.

Tip: The only advise which would go with this form of exercise is that you can be explosive, but do not rebound.


Leg Press

Ohhh, we have paid much more attention on upper body, now it’s time to put some attention on your lower body or legs. This exercise mainly works on improving the tone of your hams, quads, hips and glutes. For this, first lie down on your leg press gym instrument and try to take weight in an upright direction with the help of your legs. It will help in building pressure on your legs thus, firming your legs.

Tip: Vary your foot and height of the platform for different workouts to put emphasis on the different areas of your thighs.

powertec-leg-press-p-pl13-1 Source:


Push Up

Yeah, this is the most preferred yet forgotten one. For a beginner, this can really prove as the best weight training exercise to build muscles. With the aim of increasing your delts, pecs and triceps, this form of exercise makes you feel stronger and ripped. The various forms of Pushups are elevated pushups on pushup handles, dumbbells, or chairs.

Tip: First start with Gymnastic rings and when, this becomes an easy challenge for you, then you can ask your partner to hold weight on your back or you can even drape heavy chain across your back.

Though I have provided you with side-by-side tips along with each and every exercise, but still there are some more tips in my store, which an prove really useful for the beginners opting for muscle building exercises. Here, they are:

  • Daily practice the big fours, that is, squat, bench press, shoulder press and deadlift for tremendous muscle gain.

  • Instead of trying on to all heavy equipments in the beginning, stick on to barbells and dumbbells only.

  • Maintain a proper log and track of your workouts to observe your improvement.

  • Do not overdo things and stick to 3-4 lifts per workout.

  • Remember that set of 5 reps offer the best blend of muscle size and strength gains.

  • Add weights to your exercise in a slow manner.

  • Follow a proper warm up before going for any exercise.



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So, as a concluding note, your workout plan for body and muscle building has been prepared now. You only need to work on the plan to gain desired, strong and ripped muscular physique. So, get..set and go.. 😉

How to kiss passionately


# Take you kissing levels up several notches

A good kisser is someone you should never stop making out with.

2005 MTV Movie Awards - ShowSource :

The art of kissing is not something that everyone possesses but it is surely one of the factors that exclaim of one’s lovemaking capacity. A good lover knows how to kiss those ruby lips, intertwine those wet tongues and make the tangled lips create a memory of a lifetime. The sheer kiss of desire and lust and the kiss of romance don’t have much difference but the former has much more intensity. The kiss that is filled with lust and desire sort of gives away the intentions, the idea of surrendering, the idea of wanting to be loved back intensely.


It’s not just women who enjoy the playful bites and infatuating kisses but also men. There is no better turn on than a kiss so deep intense that makes you want to bare your chest and grab her for more.

kiss-passionatelySource :