The debate over porn has been around since the naked movies began coming out almost half a century back. The Porn industry got even better, with the adult magazines and renewed interest of the adult populace. Several couples like to watch these stimulating videos to initiate a certain sort of fire into their romance while several of unsuitable age to have random and easy access to thousands of websites with pornography videos.
# Are you Addicted? Is there such a Thing as Porn Addiction?
The Addiction to pornography has nothing to do with sex, but rather the strange and bizarre sort of trance that it enforces on the viewer who becomes embroiled with the act that’s taking place in the video and loses the sense of time. Initially, some detractors maintained their criticism of sex and Porn addiction (Both are different) but as the observation of the latter has been noticed at incredibly high levels among men, Porn addiction is addressed as a real issue.
- If you started out watching porn as an idea of escapism and an activity to kill time, but it eventually grew to control you, your senses and your activities then you may have an addiction problem.
- If you do it for hours and find it hard to stop and feel that you sleep, social life and work has been affected then you need to address the issue immediately.
Porn dulls the mind, prevents it from concentration and wastes the time as the viewer ends up watching porn instead of doing something productive.
# How to End the Cycle and Get Rid of the Porn Addiction?
It’s not so hard and unless you are uncontrollable, you can it do at home, no expensive rehabs needed. Since porn essentially influences the mind and dulls the senses, the solution also lies there. The viewer will need to exercise the strength of mind to get rid of it and initially the mind will revolt back to go back to the routine but you will need to deprive it of it. Here are simple steps that will help you break your porn addiction:
# Control the Trigger (Stressors)
Most people are initiated into watching porn due to stressing environment. So, remove the distractions and stresses for a while and focus on a smooth life to help you stay happy and elated. Occupy yourself and keep working on it and make sure that when your mind wanders back to the nasty videos, remind yourself of the work that you need to finish.
# Calm your Brain’s Demands
The brain works in bizarre ways so you can’t trust your brain to let you forget about your porn addiction overnight. The brain will tell you that other people do it too or that you probably deserve just 5 minutes of it or that you have done amazing work today and it’s been a long time, etc. But you will have to shut it all out and replace the suggestions with an activity that keeps you occupied and productive.
Begin 5 minutes rope jumping every time you feel like watching porn.
# Have a Healthy Schedule that Gives you Enough Time to Socialize
This is the most important part as if you begin to socialize and still receive the brain signals to watch porn, you will feel humiliated by your own ideas in a public place. This will help you feel disgusted with porn and will help you maintain positive social relationships.
If you feel that you won’t be able to do it on your own, then getting a confidante to keep an eye on you and keep you distracted will help you get started too.