Tag Archives: Increase Penis Girth

Wanna Increase Penis Girth? Best Penis Girth Increase Options

Several times, studies and practical trials have been conducted to  understand the rules and laws of attraction. But the fact that men love shapely, voluptuous bosom needs no science studies! It is understandable that men are more attracted to a specific body type with shapely breasts, buttock and waist and this factor also works in the reverse. Women are more attracted to men who have bigger penis. Of course, men don’t go out with their penis hanging out for exhibition but concealing the package is an art. People wear stylish clothes so they can look presentable and great and the same principle also applies to the penis. Now, there are several underwear styles available for men that given them the option to improve the larger appearance of their package subtly. You can perform your choice of penis girth increase method in your personal corner but when out in the society, looking subtly big often does the trick.

women love  men big penis

Source: http://www.friendsofpukaskwa.ca/

Underwear with panel pouch support and C-ring, Elastic Pouch C-Ring, enhancement pockets, pads etc are easily available. These underwear styles help in developing an appearance of a bigger penis which in turn boosts the physical presence of a man, developing the confidence.

male  enhancing underwear
Source: http://www.aliexpress.com/

Increase Penis Girth- Penis Exercises for Girth

The Industry for Penis enlargement has fully blown into a purely commercialized one and nowadays, there are more scams than real products. Even though some supplements, ointments and herbal agent’s claims to work but Penis exercises for girth are the good old and safe option for maintaining the healthy size and sexual health. Find out the differnet exercise regimens for improving penis size:

Plain Stretching

Plain stretchingsource:foreskinrestore.com

Firmly grasp the glans (head of penis) but hold the portion gently so blood flow is still there and then pull the penis in the outward direction. Be gentle so the penis doesn’t get strained and stretch it out by the head every 10-30 seconds.

Repeating this stretching regimen for 5-10 minutes will bring noticeable change in the penis. Stretching can be done upwards (towards to stomach), downwards (towards thighs) and in right-left as per convenience.