Penis Exercises for Improved Penis Girth and Length
The Wet Jelq is the easiest and simples exercise and requires jelqing with a well lubricated penis.
One must understand the motion, stroking and massaging details for penis exercises for girth and length. The right stroke and hand grip over the penis shaft along with apt lubrication will facilitate maximum results for girth and length development. However, if the motion and stroking is wrong, there may as well be straining and injury. So, for those who are active about penis exercises for girth and length, well detailed analysis along with comprehensive instructions on how to perform a particular exercise is recommended.
One of the most famous penis exercises for girth and length includes the person to well lubricate the penis and then pull up the penis to form a partial erection. Then forming an ok grip with hand on penis base and forming pressure while moving hand from the base to the head and then back will also help in firm girth development. Blood circulation is the integral player in the erection hardness, girth and length so exercises that focus at developing tactical blood pressure and flow in the penis shaft and head are the safest and easy to perform.
Penis exercises for girth and length should be repeated for 2-3 seconds for a single stroke and should be continued for 5-15 minutes on everyday basis depending on one comfortable one is in the position.
Several devices for enabling better exercise are also easily available as many men find it hard to form the right grip with hand to continue with the right motion and stroking. Instructional aid from penis health and therapists can also be sought for getting the right exercise chart as per one’s personal requirements.